Our Firm

E-MOTION CREATIONS di Pierfrancesco Armati was founded in 1997.
Since then, we have been dedicated to distributing and reselling high-quality photography and video equipment from the industry’s top manufacturers, covering both production and post-production needs.
We offer our products and expertise worldwide, providing personalized consultancy and guidance.
Feel free to reach out to us before and after your purchase.

VAT ID IT10301100581 Business Registry and fiscal code RMTPFR63P26H501H
R.E.A. Roma 873828 AEE Registry IT08020000002156
Batteries and Accumulators Registry IT09060P00000929
Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali RM011894
S.C.I.A. Comune di Roma N. CU/2012/59707 del 24/10/2012
certified e-mail (PEC) emotioncreations@pec.it